Biokraft is a pioneer in liquefied biogas (LBG) for use in the marine sector. It will now be supplying Norwegian expedition cruise ships with this carbon-neutral, 


11 May 2017 In France, one company has been looking to turn biogas into liquefied natural gas (LNG), or bio-LNG. Cryo Pur says its system generates 

The switch  18 Jun 2020 are fuelled by liquefied natural gas (LNG) rather than conventional fuels. These companies are now piloting the use of liquefied biogas (LBG)  3 Jul 2018 Skangas has supplied the leading Swedish shipping company and LNG pioneer Furetank with Liquefied Biogas (LBG)—a renewable and  Klaipėda Is Developing a Unique Hybrid Liquefied Biogas Barge. Lithuanian LNG cluster has started 2018 with ambitious goals. The organisation has gathered  11 May 2017 In France, one company has been looking to turn biogas into liquefied natural gas (LNG), or bio-LNG. Cryo Pur says its system generates  10 Aug 2016 Biogas is the raw gas formed by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, biomethane is called compressed biogas (CBG) and liquefied biogas  21 Nov 2018 Why liquified biogas (LBG) is a strong power contender for cruise ships.

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Renewable fuel based electricity. Scandinavian Biogas will publish the report for the fourth quarter of 2020 on a plant for the production of liquefied biogas in Norway. Release  och LBG är en förkortning för Liquefied Biogas, dvs. flytande biogas. avses med LNG såväl Liquified Natural Gas som uppgraderad biogas.

Flytande biogas är kondenserad metan. Biogasen kondenserar vid en temperatur kring –163°C och  Västsvensk arena för flytande biogas har som syfte att skapa och sprida av hållbarhetsaspekter kring produktion och användning av LBG (Liquified Bio Gas). Ordlista.

LBG is short for liquefied biogas – a highly compact and effective energy source that is already part of the carbon circulation. As a fuel it burns cleanly and helps protect our climate. Click here to download

LBG reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 85 per Biogas is a fully renewable energy source that can be produced from many types of biodegradable waste. Use of biogas as a fuel can help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 90% compared to fossil diesel. Gasum now has 15 biogas plants in Finland and Sweden, making the company one of the largest producers of biogas in the Nordics.

Liquefied biogas

Bunkering liquefied biogas, LBG, at the Port of Gothenburg has become significantly easier for the shipping sector. A new agreement between FordonsGas and Swedegas will ensure access to this

Liquefied biogas

Transport Harri Mikkola has installed a hybrid temperature control system in the tractor unit.

Liquefied biogas

Vid produktionsstörningar på Uddebo ersätts biogasen med naturgas, så kallad LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas/flytande naturgas). 2018 tillverkades cirka 2 miljoner m³ biogas på Uddebo.
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Biomethane is stored for future use, usually either as liquefied biomethane or compressed biomethane (CBM) or since its production typically exceeds immediate on-site demand. Liquefied biogas can be transported and stored like conventional fuels obtained from petroleum. By modifying the diesel engine used by trucks and buses, liquified biogas can be used as a sustainable fuel that releases a reduced amount of emissions. Liquefied biogas reduces emissions over the lifecycle of the fuel by up to 90 percent.

Gasum now has 15 biogas plants in Finland and Sweden, making the company one of the largest producers of biogas in the Nordics. Bunkering liquefied biogas, LBG, at the Port of Gothenburg has become significantly easier for the shipping sector. A new agreement between FordonsGas and Swedegas will ensure access to this Downloadable (with restrictions)! Sustainable scale-up of biomethane to overcome the dependency on fossil energy sources is still not matured, fundamentally owing to its production and availability at a lower pressure (i.e., atmospheric) compared with the conventional natural gas.
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Liquefied biogas as a transport fuel in Sweden. In Summer 2012, a new liquefied biogas plant in Lidköping, Sweden, started operation. The plant produces transport fuel for cars, trucks and buses, in both gaseous and liquefied form, and is run by Lidköping Biogas AB.

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas (predominantly methane, CH 4, with some mixture of ethane, C 2 H 6) that has been cooled down to liquid form for ease and safety of non-pressurized storage or transport. Biogas that has been upgraded to biomethane by removing the H2S, moisture, and CO2 can be used as a vehicular fuel.

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Liquefied biogas can be transported and stored like conventional fuels obtained from petroleum. By modifying the diesel engine used by trucks and buses, liquified biogas can be used as a sustainable fuel that releases a reduced amount of emissions.

Liquefied biogas reduces emissions over the lifecycle of the fuel by up to 90 percent. This investment is part of Posti’s 10-year target of becoming emissions-free by 2030. Liquefied gas is commonly used in heavy traffic, but liquefied biogas is still relatively rare. mobile storage units, but also in its liquefied state and by way of local gas grids. Since 2012, liquefied biogas (LBG) is produced in Sweden at the Lidköping Biogas Plant (see Figure 1).